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Word Of The Day

For years, my Wife has bemoaned my use of puns around the house. I've been a bit proud of them, since most of the references are obscure, and she's the only one I know who would get them. Now she's decided to take her own stab at punnery these days.

"Hey," she said through her standard, puckish grin. "why didn't the cows laugh at the farmer's joke?"

I sighed as I realized how low she was starting out.

Wife giggled. "Because they'd 'herd' it before!"

I nodded. It was all I could muster before the inevitable explanation.

She smiled her standard, perfect smile. "It's funny because it's herd-- h-e-r-d! Like a herd of cattle!"

"Yep," I said.

"I read a bunch of them on the internet," she said.

I sat back in my chair. Something broke in me. "You should have left them there."