I like to taunt and tease my wife about actors she likes who are in movies with actors she doesn't. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is an example.
I asked her if she wanted to see it.
She cringed. "It has Jack Black in it... I'm not a fan'.
"But don't you want to see Dwayne Johnson?" I asked. "Don't you want The Rock?"
Her internal conflict was visibly obvious, but she couldn't do it. We missed it in theatres.
Then along came The House with a Clock in Its Walls, also with Jack Black. While the concept intrigued her, Wife was torn over the Jack Black factor. Ultimately, we missed that in theatres, too.
But not the video store. Her interest in the concept behind the movie intrigued her, and she decided to buy it.
"Don't judge me," she said, looking sheepishly at the box.
"Say," I said. "Isn't that Jumanji with The Rock on the shelf over there? You gonna get that too?"
She walked away, pouting. "No, it has Jack Black in it."