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Word Of The Day

I got a new laptop this past week, and it comes with Windows 8.1 already installed. I haven't liked the look of the UI, especially the Modern UI interface, but was willing to give it a shot given the positive reviews of the overall efficiency of the OS.

Instead of being able to put in a user name and activate the account online, I had to enter in an email account, and then get the code Microsoft sent me to another device. What gets me is, what if I didn't have another device? What if I just had the laptop? So after all that I discovered a way to disconnect the account and name it and password it the way I wanted. I deleted the Metro apps. I installed a Windows 7 skin. I read up on tips on how to deal with Windows 8.1

I mentioned this to my wife about the tips, and her question was, "Is tip one installing Windows 7?"

The woman speaks wise words.